Wills, Trusts & Estates
Everyone has an Estate, big or small, and each Estate case is important to the family members left behind. If you do not plan for the transfer of your assets after your death, Indiana law determines who receives your assets. It is our job to listen to and advise you with that in mind.
Your Estate may consist of assets like:
- Your home
- Your retirement account
- Your life insurance policies
- Your bank accounts
- Your tangible property (cars, furniture, etc.)
- Your investments (mutual funds, stocks, bonds)
- Your business
Depending on your objectives, we can assist you by developing a traditional estate plan, utilizing a simple will, or implementing different estate planning techniques to accomplish practical asset transfers to your loved ones. We will also address tax implications, family-owned businesses or real estate, and other more unique situations.
The estate plans we prepare for our clients implement such documents as:
- Last Will and Testament—to name beneficiaries to receive your assets after your death
- Trust (revocable or irrevocable)—to allow your selected Trustee to manage assets for the benefit of your loved ones
- Financial Power of Attorney—to name an agent to make financial decisions for you if you cannot
- Health Care Power of Attorney/Appointment of Health Care Representative—to name an agent to make health care decisions for you if you cannot
- Living Will—to make your medical wishes known to healthcare providers and agents in the event of terminal illness
- Beneficiary Designations
- Transfer on Death Designations